Artificial → Decision Intelligence | My Internship Experience

AI, BI, CI. Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Collaborative/Collective Intelligence. What’s next? As an AI/DI intern at Quantellia this past summer, I have learned that Decision Intelligence (DI) spans all of the above, and seeks to crystallize a new field of responsible use of AI systems. But what is Decision Intelligence? Throughout my experiences contributing to different... Continue Reading →

Why is Decision Intelligence a new field?

One of the first questions that occurred to me during my summer internship this year was “what is Decision Intelligence”?  And is it really so different than AI?  As part of my blog series, I interviewed Quantellia’s Chief Scientist and Co-founder, Lorien Pratt.  Here’s what I learned. Decision Intelligence (DI) as a discipline is starting to... Continue Reading →

The Limits of Artificial Intelligence Today

Guest Blogger Introduction I’m Emily Zhao, a summer intern at Quantellia. I am an undergraduate at the University of California, San Diego, studying Applied Math, Cognitive Science, and Computer Science. As co-sponsor of the Responsible AI/DI summit, Quantellia has asked me to help write a few blog posts to explain the summit topics from an “outsider’s” perspective. After... Continue Reading →

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